Optimal Response Initiative Civilian

Whenever we respond to our own physical symptoms, thoughts and emotions, other people, and circumstances (which occur hundreds to thousands of times a day), we have a choice. And, that choice exists on a Continuum Response from worst to OPTIMAL.  

Set Health (Tank) Destination Goals in all areas of health: Physical, Cognitive, Emotional, Spiritual, Social, & Creative, as well as how to fuel up - DAILY!
Recognize cycles and styles of relating with oneself and others
Recognize the power of expectation
Set and maintain healthy boundaries
Understand the value, purpose, and process of emotions
Manage un-motivation and move towards Optimal anyway
Continue to move towards Optimal AND MORE!

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Write your awesome label here.
Meet the Author, Instructor, and Creator of ORI

Dr. Kristina Seymour

Dr. Seymour is a Clinical Psychologist who has trained in hospital, university, and community settings working with people from all walks of life.

Combining personal experiences, clinical training, research, and practical application, she is excited to bring ORI Thriving Training to the general public and corporate sector. She has always been curious about what makes an individual resilient amid everyday life, extraordinary challenges, and unlimited opportunities.

From First Responders, Service Members, Civilians, Individuals, Couples, and a Wide Array of Groups, Dr. Seymour is excited to provide Thriving Training wherever you are - 24/7!

Dr. Seymour was born and raised in WA State by her grandparents; she is a USAF Veteran, Wife of a US Army Ranger, Mom of two grown children, and Grandmom to two. She lives in the country in SC with her husband and their Belgian Malinois. 
Patrick Jones - Course author

What's included?

  • 16 Chapters
  • 16+ Videos
  • Reflective Questions for Growth 
  • Tracking Tools and a soon to come ORI App!
  • 20+ PDFs
  • On-line Community

The Power to Choose  

  • In order to have the power to choose our response, we need to be well informed about the many components that influence our response such as:
  • All areas of health (Physical, Cognitive, Emotional, & Spiritual - if that matters to you - if not leave it out and/or Social)
  • Setting short-term and long-term goals in each area of health
  • Understanding the stress-response and how to effectively manage it
  • Understanding the at-rest response and how to efficiently implement it

Personal & Practical Application 

  • Recognize the influence of nature vs. nurture with personal application
  • the connection between thoughts, emotions, and behavioral responses
  • the difference between an Internal Location of Control (Victor Mindset) vs. and External Location of Control (Victim Mindset)
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